Friday, January 29, 2016

Commands On LINUX

 ********************  Commands On LINUX  *************************

1) vi - 'vi ' is the editor of LINUX Command Prompt.

           vi Filename.c

2) gedit - 'gedit' is also the editor of LINUX or Ubuntu Command Prompt.

             gedit Filename.c
in this command gedit editor open in new window but our terminal is busy for all over process we will terminate it.

To solve this problem using following command,
             gedit Filename.c &

3) cp - 'cp' command is use to copy one file to another file.

            cp SourceFileName.c   DestinationFileName.c

4) rm - 'rm' command is use to remove file.

            rm FileName.c

5) mv - 'mv' command is use to move one file to another file.

            mv  SourceFileName.c DestinationFileName.c

6) touch - 'touch' command is use to create new empty file or change file timestamps.

            touch fileName.c

7) cat - 'cat' command is use  to concatenate or print the content from file.

           cat FileName.c

8) chmod - 'chmod' command is use to change the access permission of file.

            chmod 0xxx Filename.c

In this command x = 0-7 value.

9) clear - 'clear' command is use to clear terminal.

10) mkdir - 'mkdir' command is use to create directory.

          mkdir DirectoryName

11) date - 'date' command is use display or change the date and time

12) df - ' df ' command is use display free disk space

13) dmesg - 'dmesg' command is use to print kernel and driver message.

14) du - 'du' command is use to estimate file space usage.

15) echo - 'echo' command is use to display message on screen

16) egrep - ' egrep' command is use to search file for lines that match an extended expression.

               egrep searchvalue FileName.c

17) fg - 'fg' command is use to send job in foreground.

18) bg - 'bg' command is use to send job in background.

19) help - 'help' command is use to display a help for built in commands.

20) history - 'history' command is use to display history of using on terminal command.

21) jobs - 'jobs' command is use to list active jobs.

22) kill - 'kill' command is use to kill a process by specifying its PID.

23) killall - 'killall' command is use to kill  processes by its name.

24) logout - 'logout' command is use to exit a login shell.

25) ls - 'ls' command is use to list all files and directories in the current directory.

26) top - 'top' command is use to list all running processes.

27)  wait - 'wait' command is use to wait for a process to complete.

28) who - 'who' command is use to print all user name currently login.

29) uname -r - 'uname -r' command is use to print kernel version number and user name.
30)man- "man" command is use to show all information about command.

               man ls.

31) cd - "cd" command is use to change directory.

              cd /lib.

32) pwd - "pwd" command is use to print current working directory.

33) wc - "wc" command is use to print the number of newlines, words, characters/bytes in files.

             wc FileName.c

34) ls -la - prints all detail information about list in current directory.

35) passwd - "passwd" command is use to change password.

36) reboot - Reboot the system.

37) poweroff - poweroff the system.

38) top -o mem - This command show processes using most memory first.

39) ssh username@ip - Open a shell using their username and ip.

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