Friday, April 1, 2016

Best Commands in Windows Operating System.

                          Best Commands in Windows Operating System.

TAKEOWN – This tool allows an administrator to recover access to a file that was denied by re-assigning file ownership.

Syntax  :  TAKEOWN  [/S system [/U usename [/P password]]]] /F filename [/A] [/R [/D prompt]].

Parameter List :
/S                                            system                                               Specifies the remote system to connect to .
/U                                            [domain\]user                                    Specifies the user context under which the command should execute.
/P                                           [password]                                         Specifies the password for the given user context. Prompts for input if omitted.
/F                                            filename                                              Specifies the filename or directory name pattern. Wildcard “*” can be used to specify the pattern. Allows sharename\filename.
/A                                                                                                      Gives ownership to the admistrators group instead of the current user.
/R                                                                                                       Recurse: instructs tool to operate on files in specified directory and all subdirectories.
/D                                           prompt                                                 Default answer used when the current user does not have the “list folder”  permission on a directory. This occurs while operating recursively (/R) on sub-directories . Valid values “Y” to take ownership or “N” to skip.
/?                                                                                                        Display help message.

Examples :

TAKEOWN            /?

TAKEOWN            /F           lostfile

TAKEOWN           /F             \\syste\share\lostfile    /A

TAKEOWN           /F            directory              /R           /D           N

TAKEOWN           /F            directory               /R           /A

TAKEOWN           /F             *

TAKEOWN           /F             C:\Windows\System32\acme.exe

TAKEOWN            /F            %windir%\*.txt

TAKEOWN           /F            system                /F            MyShare\Acme*.doc

TAKEOWN           /F            system                                 /U            user      /F        MyShare\MyBinary.dll

TAKEOWN           /F            system                /U           domain\user      /P           password            /F share\filename

TAKEOWN           /F            system                /U           user       /P           password            /F            Doc\Report.doc                                /A

TAKEOWN           /F            system                /U           user       /P           password            /F            MyShare\*

TAKEOWN           /F            system                /U           user       /P           password            /F            Home\Login       /R

TAKEOWN           /F            system                /U           user       /P           password            /F            MyShare\directory         /R           /A

SYSTEMINFO  -  This tool displays operating system configuration information for a local or remote machine, including service pack levels.

Parameter List :

/S                                            system                                               Specifies the remote system to connect to .
/U                                            [domain\]user                                    Specifies the user context under which the command should execute.
/P                                           [password]                                         Specifies the password for the given user context. Prompts for input if omitted.
/FO                                        format                                                 Specifies the format in which the output is to be displayed. Valid values : “TABLE”, “LIST”, “CSV”.
/NH                                                                                                        Specifies that the “Column Header” should not be displayed in the output. Valid only for “TABLE” and “CSV” formats.
/?                                                                                                            Display help message.

Example :



SYSTEMINFO      /S            system

SYSTEMINFO      /S            system                                 /U           user

SYSTEMINFO      /S            system                 /U           domain\user      /P           password            /FO        TABLE

SYSTEMINFO      /S            system                 /FO        LIST

SYSTEMINFO      /S            system                 /FO        CSV        /NH

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