Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Step to remove viruses from your PC without antivirus

  To Remove the Viruses from your PC Without using antivirus.

You have to remove the viruses from your PC without using any antivirus tools. You just become a little smarter to find out the virus exe process from your running PC. You have to open the "task manager" by right click on taskbar and select taskmanager and look at the processes column. You have to look at any suspicious virus exe's running your task manager. You can not stop or end the task for that process because this process is running under O.S. observation and you have not permission to stop this process.

   then how stop this process and how to delete that process source file and how to remove the registry entry into your O.S. registry?

You have solve this problem using the two tools.....

Requirement tools :
                             1. Process Explorer 
                             2. Autoruns tools

both are free to download by the tools sites.

Process Explorer tools view :

Autoruns tools view :

Step to remove viruses from your PC

1. To open the "Process Explorer" tools from your PC. To look the virus exe process and right click on that process and select the option "Kill Process Tree".  

The virus process is kill but the problem is not solve at this step. You have to restart your machine the virus exe appears repeatedly because you not remove the registry entry of that virus exe process and file system folder of this process. 

2. To remove the virus exe process entry into O.S. registry. Let start the "Autoruns" tools. It indicate the virus exe entry into registry in color format. 

Choose the correct virus exe process entry into registry and right click on that entry to delete the registry entry of virus exe file.

after this you have to restart your computer and check virus file process into "task manager" or "process explorer". 

Keep in mind that all the new process entries are not a viruses but they highlighted by process explorer because in process explorer backup this files is not availables. You have to remove the virus you have keep in mind this point. 

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