Monday, July 13, 2020

Computer Question-Answers

Computer Question-Answers

Q.1 – What is difference between cold booting and warm booting?

Ans – The main difference between cold and warm booting is that the cold booting is the process of starting up the computer that is turned off while warm booting is the process of restarting the computer without interrupting power. It is also called rebooting, booting, start-up or boot up.

Q.2 – What is a warm booting?

Ans  Warm Booting refers to restarting system using restart button or using CTRL + ALT + DELETE keys command combination. Warm booting is generally done when system stops responding or system updates requires system to be restarted for the updates to take effect.

Q.3 – What is hard booting and soft booting?

Ans  Reboots can be either "cold" (alternatively known as "hard") where the power to the system is physically turned off and back on again, causing an initial boot of the machine, or warm (alternatively known as soft) where the system restarts without the need to interrupt the power.

Q.4 – What is the booting process?

Ans – The Booting (also known as booting up) is the initial set of operations that a computer system performs when electrical power is switched on. The process begins when a computer that has been turned off is re-energized, and ends when the computer is ready to perform its normal operations.

Q.5 – Why is warm booting faster than cold booting?

Ans –warm boot is usually preferable over a cold boot because it takes less time to reboot the system and the components don't reset completely. A cold boot, on the other hand, completely wipes off the memory and resets the components and power source.

Q.6 – What is booting What are the types of booting?

Ans – Restarting a computer or its operating system software. It is of two types (1) Cold booting: when the computer is started after having been switched off. (2) Warm booting: when the operating system alone is restarted (without being switched off) after a system crash or 'freeze.

Q.7 – What is warm reset?

Ans  Reboots can be either "cold" (alternatively known as "hard") where the power to the system is physically turned off and back on again, causing an initial boot of the machine, or warm (alternatively known as soft) where the system restarts without the need to interrupt the power.

Q.8 – What are the steps in cold booting?

Ans  To perform a cold boot on a computer that is running press and hold down the power button. After continuing to hold the power button down, the computer turns off after a few seconds. Once the computer is off, wait a few seconds before turning the computer back on.

Q.9 – What is the difference between a reboot and a restart?

Ans – Restart means when you select the restart option in your PC which means you are asking your operating system to restart all the applications which are running on it while the reboot means when you press the Button which is forcefully restarting the Operating system In process of reboot the power is discontinued for 3 seconds .This is the basic difference between reboot and restart.

Q.10 – What is another name for warm booting?

Ans –warm boot (also called a "soft boot") is the process of restarting a computer. It may be used in contrast to a cold boot, which refers to starting up a computer that has been turned off. Warm boots are typically initiated by a "Restart" command in the operating system.

Q.11 – How can you perform warm booting?

Ans – On PCs, you can perform a warm boot by pressing the Control, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously. On Macs, you can perform a warm boot by pressing the Restart button. Also called a soft boot. Contrast with cold boot, turning a computer on from an off position.

Q.12 – What is System Shutdown?

Ans – System shutdown brings the system to a condition in which it is safe to turn off the computer. All file-system buffers are flushed to the disk, then a message box is displayed informing the user that the computer can be turned off.

Q.13 – What are the four main parts of the boot process?

Ans – Components of the Boot Process
  •    The POST Process. Once your PC has been powered on, the BIOS begins its work as part of the POST (Power-On Self-Test) process.
  •       BIOS Boot Handoff.
  •     The Partition Table.
  •     Bootstrap Code.
  •     Boot Signature.
  •     The second-stage bootloader.
  •     Boot Configuration Files.
  •     Popular Bootloaders.

Q.14 – What is the first step in the boot process?

Ans  Power Up. The first step of any boot process is applying power to the machine. When the user turns a computer on, a series of events begins that ends when the operating system gets control from the boot process and the user is free to work.

Q.15 – Does reboot Clear memory?

Ans – In simple words reboot is nothing but restarting your phone. Rebooting your phone will not erase any data in your mobile phone. Rebooting your phone is nothing but switching it off(Shutting down) and turning it back on. ... Reset will actually erase all your data.

Q.16 – What is a full reboot?

Ans –hard reboot is the process of restarting a computer manually, physically or using any other method besides restarting it from the operating system controls. This allows a user to restart a computer, which is usually done when the operating system or software functions are not responding.

Q.17 – How do I get into BIOS?

Ans – Get ready to act quickly: You need to start the computer and press a key on the keyboard before the BIOS hands over control to Windows. You have only a few seconds to perform this step. On this PC, you'd press F2 to enter the BIOS setup menu. If you don't catch it the first time, simply try again.

Q. 18 – What's a hard reboot iPhone?

Ans – The iPhone Hard Reset
The hard reset is when you restart the phone and refresh the memory in which the apps run. One of the better times to do it would be when the device has frozen. Like the soft reset, it does not delete data, so it is safe to do without backing up the phone.

Q. 19 – Is it better to shut down or restart?

Ans – Some software installations and updates actually require you to use Restart to finish the process. If your computer has frozen or is giving off some other error, you should use Restart rather than Shut Down, even though it may seem to you that Shut Down would be a more complete option.

Q. 20 – How do BIOS work?

Ans – BIOS (basic input/output system) is the program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on. It also manages data flow between the computer's operating system and attached devices such as the hard disk, video adapter, keyboard, mouse and printer.

Q. 21 – What is MBR in booting process?

Ans – The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information in the first sector of any hard disk or diskette that identifies how and where an operating system is located so that it can be boot (loaded) into the computer's main storage or random access memory.

Q. 22 – What is MBR format?

Ans – MBR stands for Master Boot Record and was the default partition table format before hard drives were larger than 2 TB. The maximum hard drive size of MBR is 2 TB. As such, if you have a 3 TB hard drive and you use MBR, only 2 TB of your 3 TB hard drive will be accessible. To remedy this, the GPT format was introduced.

Q. 23 – What is the function of MBR?

Ans – The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information in the first sector of any hard disk or diskette that identifies how and where an operating system is located so that it can be boot (loaded) into the computer's main storage or random access memory.

Q.24 – How does MBR get corrupted?

Ans – MBR errors can have three different causes: a virus infection, a drive failure or an MBR overwrite caused by a program. Virus infections happen when a virus is loaded onto your computer. Many viruses target the master boot record, since this is the most important part of your hard drive.

Q.25 – What are the two types of MBR partitions?

Ans – Maybe, you once heard MBR or GPT, that rigth, under microsoft windows platform there are two kinds of partition table formats - MBR(master boot record) and GPT(guid partition table).

Q.26 – Which is better MBR or GPT?

Ans – GPT is better than MBR if your hard disk is larger than 2TB.
Since you can only use 2TB of space from a 512B sector hard disk if you initialize it to MBR, you'd better format your disk to GPT if it is larger than 2TB. But if the disk is employing 4K native sector, you can use 16TB space.

Q.27 – Is NTFS MBR or GPT?

Ans –  A disk on a computer is usually partitioned in either MBR or GPT (two different partition table). Those partitions are then formatted with a file system, such as FAT, EXT2 and NTFS. Most disks smaller than 2TB are NTFS and MBR. Disks larger than 2TB are NTFS and GPT.

Q.28 – Is GPT faster than MBR?

Ans – Choose GPT rather than MBR for your system disk if UEFI boot is supported. Compared with booting from MBR disk, it's faster and more stable to boot Windows from GPT disk so that your computer performance could be improved, which is largely due to the design of UEFI.

Q.29 – Where is MBR stored?

Ans – The MBR is not located in a partition; it is located at a first sector of the device (physical offset 0), preceding the first partition. (The boot sector present on a non-partitioned device or within an individual partition is called a volume boot record instead.)

Q.30 – How do I know if my motherboard supports UEFI?

Ans – Just open Run and type the command MSINFO32. When you do this, System Information will open up. Here, under System Summary, you will be able to find out whether it is BIOS or UEFI. “Legacy” indicates that the system is BIOS and UEFI indicates that the system is, of course, UEFI.

Q.31 – What is boot ROM?

Ans – BootROM is a piece of code stored in a Read Only Memory (ROM). Generally it is the very first code executed by the booting core when it is powered-on. Hence this code contains instructions to configure the system-on-chip (SoC) to allow the SoC to execute applications.

Q.32 – Where are BIOS stored?

Ans – Originally, BIOS firmware was stored in a ROM chip on the PC motherboard. In modern computer systems, the BIOS contents are stored on flash memory so it can be rewritten without removing the chip from the motherboard.

Q.33 – What is a boot manager or boot loader?

Ans –boot loader, also called a boot manager, is a small program that places the operating system (OS) of a computer into memory.

Q.34 – How do I set up Windows boot manager?

Ans – On most computers, this can be accomplished by pressing the "F8" key as soon as your computer turns on. When the Windows Boot Manager menu opens, you can use the arrow keys to select an operating system or external boot source and then press "ENTER" to load it.

Q.35 – How do I enter BIOS?

Ans – Get ready to act quickly: You need to start the computer and press a key on the keyboard before the BIOS hands over control to Windows. You have only a few seconds to perform this step. On this PC, you'd press F2 to enter the BIOS setup menu.

Q.36 – How do I bypass Windows Boot Manager?

Ans – Go to start, type in MSCONFIG and then go to the boot tab. Click Windows 7 and make sure it is the default and then change the timeout to zero. Click Apply. When you restart, you should be directed directly into windows 7 without the boot manager screen.

Q.37 – Where is Boot Manager located?

Ans – If there's no the “System Reserved” partition, probably the BOOTMGR is located on the primary hard drive (in most cases it's C drive). The boot manager will execute winload.exe, which is the system loader that is used to continue the Windows boot process.

Q.38 – How do I check my BIOS version Windows 10?

Ans – Check Your BIOS Version by Using the System Information Panel. You can also find your BIOS's version number in the System Information window. On Windows 7, 8, or 10, hit Windows+R, type “msinfo32” into the Run box, and then hit Enter. The BIOS version number is displayed on the System Summary pane.

Q.39 – What is UEFI boot mode?

Ans – UEFI is essentially a tiny operating system that runs on top of the PC's firmware, and it can do a lot more than a BIOS. It may be stored in flash memory on the motherboard, or it may be loaded from a hard drive or network share at boot. Different PCs with UEFI will have different interfaces and features.

Q.40 – What is the first computer name?

Ans – ENIAC computing system
Started in 1943, the ENIAC computing system was built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania. Because of its electronic, as opposed to electromechanical, technology, it is over 1,000 times faster than any previous computer.

Q.41 – Who invented the modern computer and when?

Ans – The principle of the modern computer was proposed by Alan Turing, in his seminal 1936 paper on Computable Numbers. Turing proposed a simple device that he called "Universal Computing machine" that is later known as a Universal Turing machine.

Q.42 – Why was the computer invented?

Ans – The computer was originally invented to do repetitive calculations quickly and accurately. After working on his revolutionary difference engine, designed to aid in navigational calculations, in 1833 he realized that a much more general design, an Analytical Engine, was possible.

Q.43 – Who invented the first PC?

Ans – The first personal computer
In 1975, Ed Roberts coined the term "personal computer" when he introduced the Altair 8800. Although the first personal computer is considered by many to be the KENBAK-1, which was first introduced for $750 in 1971.

Q.44 – Who is the real father of computer?

Ans – Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his concept, and then later the invention of the Analytical Engine in 1837. The Analytical Engine contained an ALU (arithmetic logic unit), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept.

Q.45 – Who invented computer virus?

Ans – The first IBM PC virus in the "wild" was a boot sector virus dubbed (c)Brain, created in 1986 by the Farooq Alvi Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter unauthorized copying of the software they had written.

Q.46 – What was the first home computer?

Ans – Altair
From hobby computers to Apple
A small firm named MITS made the first personal computer, the Altair. This computer, which used Intel Corporation's 8080 microprocessor, was developed in 1974. Though the Altair was popular among computer hobbyists, its commercial appeal was limited.

Q.47 – What country invented computers?

Ans – Charles Babbage was born in England and spent his life and career there. But, the invention of electronic computers that we are familiar with today was made by Alan Mathison Turing, an English scientist. Alan Turing was born on June 23, 1912, in London. So the country that invented the computer is England.

Q.48 – What is the first computer virus in world?

Ans – Creeper system
The first computer virus, called “Creeper system”, was an experimental self-replicating virus released in 1971. It was filling up the hard drive until a computer could not operate any further. This virus was created by BBN technologies in the US.

Q.49 – Who made computer in India?

Ans – Vijay P. Bhatkar is best known as the architect of India's national initiative in supercomputing where he led the development of Param supercomputers. He developed the first Indian supercomputer, the PARAM 8000, in 1991 and later the PARAM 10000 in 1998.

Q.50 – What is a computer in English?

Ans –computer is a machine that accepts data as input, processes that data using programs, and outputs the processed data as information. Many computers can store and retrieve information using hard drives. Computers can be connected together to form networks, allowing connected computers to communicate with each other.

Q.51 – Who wrote the first computer code?

Ans – In Celebration of Ada Lovelace, the First Computer Programmer. The first programmable computer—if it were built—would have been a gigantic, mechanical thing clunking along with gears and levers and punch cards. That was the vision for Analytical Engine devised by British inventor Charles Babbage in 1837.

Q.52 – Who is the most famous computer scientist?

Ans – 10 famous computer scientists you should know about       
  • Larry Page.
  • Carl Sassenrath. 
  • Guido Van Rassum. 
  • Mark Zuckerburg. 
  • Brendan Eich.
  • Tim Berners-Lee.
  • Hedy Lamarr. 
  • Bill Gates.

Q.53 – Who is first computer in India?

Ans – A British-built HEC 2M computer, happened to be the first digital computer in India, which was imported and installed in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, during 1955. Prior to that, this institute had developed a small Analog Computer in 1953, which is technically the first computer in India.

Q.54 – Which is the first super computer in India?

Ans – PARAM 8000
From the late 80s we have been hearing of Indian supercomputers, starting with PARAM 8000, considered to be India's “first supercomputer”. It was indigenously built in 1991 by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and was replicated and installed at ICAD Moscow in 1991 under Russian collaboration.

Q.55 – Where was the first computer in India installed?

Ans – Calcutta
The history of computing in India began in 1955, when a HEC-2M designed by A.D. Booth was installed at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Calcutta.

Q.56 – What are the 5 uses of computer?

Ans – Common uses of home computers
  •    Playing computer games.
  •    Writing.
  •    Solving math problems.
  •    Watching TV and movies.
  •     Listening to music.
  •     Communicating with other people.
  •     Sending e-mail.
  •     Using The Internet.

Q.57 – What is memory of a computer?

Ans – Computer memory is a generic term for all of the different types of data storage technology that a computer may use, including RAM, ROM, and flash memory. Some types of computer memory are designed to be very fast, meaning that the central processing unit (CPU) can access data stored there very quickly.

Q.58 – Which is the first AI programming language?

Ans – Lisp
The first practical and still most widely used AI programming language is the functional language Lisp developed by John McCarthy in the late 1950s. Lisp is based on mathematical function theory and the lambda abstraction.

Q.59 – Which is the most powerful computer?

Ans – The world's most powerful supercomputer today is Summit, built by IBM for the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. It occupies the equivalent of two basketball courts and achieves an impressive 148.6 petaflops thanks to its 2.41 million cores.

Q.60 – Which is fastest computer in the world?

Ans – The Summit supercomputer is as of November 2018 the fastest supercomputer in the world. With a measured power efficiency of 14.668 GFlops/watt it is also the 3rd most energy efficient in the world.

Q.61 – Who made super computer?

Ans – Seymour Cray Supercomputer/Inventors

The notion of a supercomputer first arose in the 1960s when an electrical engineer named Seymour Cray, embarked on creating the world's fastest computer.

Q.62 – What is the Internet?

Ans – The internet is the wider network that allows computer networks around the world run by companies, governments, universities and other organisations to talk to one another.

Q.63 – What is the meaning of CPU?

Ans – central processing unit

Computers. central processing unit: the key component of a computer system, which contains the circuitry necessary to interpret and execute program instructions.

Q.64 – What are the 5 types of memory?

Ans – Memory Types
  •   Long-Term Memory. Long-term memory is our brain's system for storing, managing, and retrieving information. 
  •     Short-Term Memory. 
  •     Explicit Memory. 
  •      Implicit Memory. 
  •     Autobiographical Memory.
  •      Memory & Morpheus.

Q.65 – What is the first memory of computer?

Ans – In the late 1940s the first stored-program computers used ultrasonic waves in tubes of mercury or charges in special electron tubes as main memory. The latter were the first random-access memory (RAM).

Q.66 – What uses computer memory?

Ans – Your computer uses the information it has stored in RAM to complete tasks while simultaneously receiving and performing other functions. When you use up all of the available RAM memory, your computer's performance can slow down because it doesn't have the storage required to complete its tasks.

Q.67 – What is type of memory?

Ans – The most basic distinction is between types of computer memory is between primary memory - often called system memory - and secondary memory, which is more commonly called storage. And some types are volatile, which are often faster, but which lose all the data stored on them as soon as the power is switched off.

Q.68 – What is the use of Internet?

Ans – Applications and services. The Internet carries many applications and services, most prominently the World Wide Web, including social media, electronic mail, mobile applications, multiplayer online games, Internet telephony, file sharing, and streaming media services.

Q.69 – What are the input devices of a computer?

Ans – In computing, an input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboardsmouse, scanners, digital cameras, joysticks, and microphones.

Q.70 – Which language is best for AI?

Ans – The Best Programming Languages for AI
  • Python - When it comes to AI programming languages, Python leads the pack with its unparalleled community support and pre-built libraries (like NumPy, Pandas, Pybrain, and SciPy) that help expedite AI development. ...
  • Java. 
  • Julia. 
  • Haskell. 
  • Lisp.

Q.71 – What 5 countries have the most supercomputers?

Ans – Distribution of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world as of June 2019, by country
Number of supercomputers
         United States

Q.72 – Who owns the World Wide Web?

Ans – Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist.

Q.73 – What are the 3 parts of a CPU?

Ans – The CPU is made up of three main components, the control unit , the immediate access store and the arithmetic and logic unit .

Q.74 – How does WiFi work?

Ans – WiFi works off of the same principal as other wireless devices - it uses radio frequencies to send signals between devices. The radio frequencies are completely different say from walky talkies, car radios, cell phones, and weather radios.

Q.75 – What are the 3 parts of a CPU?

Ans – The CPU is made up of three main components, the control unit , the immediate access store and the arithmetic and logic unit .

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