Sunday, June 28, 2020




    Can you tell ?

    Chapter No. 1 - 
Living world and Classification of Microbes

       1.     What is the hierarchy for classification of living organisms?
      Ans – The hierarchy for classification of living organisms are: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Genus and species.

       2.     Who invented ‘binomial system’ of nomenclature?
       Ans – Carl Linnaeus invented ‘binomial system’ of nomenclature/

       3.     Which levels of hierarchy are considered while writing the name in binomial nomenclature?

       Ans – The levels of hierarchy are considered while writing the name in binomial nomenclature, are genus and species.

Chapter No. 2 - 

Health and Diseases

       1. Have you ever taken the leave from school due to sickness?
       Ans – Yes. When there was not feeling better of illness. We have taken leave from school.

       2. What happens exactly when we become sick?

       Ans – 
             1. When we become sick, there is disturbance in the normal heath. 
             2. There is some pain in the body. One may get fever; there is headache or cough and cold. 
             3. Sometimes the digestion is improper resulting into loose motion in the body. In this way we may get uncomfortable feeling.

       3. Sometimes, we feel good even without taking any medicines and sometimes we need to consult doctor and take regular medicines in sickness. Why is it so

       Ans – 
               1. Some illness can be treated at home with household remedies. 
               2. Even if there is infection, it can be for a short period and gets cured by itself.
               3. But some of the illnesses are severe and cannot be cured in such a way. 
               4. Thus a doctor’s advice and treatment is required. 
               5. With doctor’s consultation and regular medicines then there is a relief.

       4. How do the following diseases spread? (Hepatitis, malaria, scabies, T.B., dengue, dysentery, ringworm, swine flu)

       Ans –
1. Hepatitis is spread by contaminated food and water. some types of hepatitis such as hepatitis B is transmitted through sharing of needles and blood transfusion. 
2. Malaria is spread by bite of mosquito.
3. Scabies is spread by contact with scabies-mite.
4. T.B. is spread spitting by patient, through contaminated air due to bacteria of tuberculosis, prolonged contact with and sharing of materials of patient.
5. Dengue is spread by bite of Aedes aegypti female mosquito. This disease is caused by DEN-1, 2 viruses belonging to the type – flavivirus.
6. Dysentery is spread through contaminated food and water.
7. Ringworm is spread through contact infection due to fungus.
8. Swine flu Infection occurs through pigs and humans. Viruses of swine flu are spread through sweat of infected person. Similarly, it is spread through secretions of nose, throat and saliva.

       5. What do we mean by pathogen?

       Ans – The microbe or a bacterium that causes infection of some particular diseases are called pathogen.

       6. What do we mean by infectious diseases?

       Ans – By being in the contact of a patient, the pathogens from his or her body enter another normal person body through air, water and food. When such pathogens create illness in a normal person body, such diseases are called infectious diseases.

       7. Where do you see the water-logged materials shown in picture?

       Ans – In flower bouquet shown in our house and shops. Dirty walls are shown old house, haveli, closed schools and offices. Dumping yard, dustbin, tyros and dirty tanks are found in our dirty surrounding areas.

       8. Which hazards do you anticipate with the help of picture?

       Ans – In picture spread infectious diseases in large manner. It is living house of mosquitoes. That mosquitoes spread diseases like dengue, malaria etc.

       9.  How can we observe personal hygiene?

       Ans – One should have good habits of personal cleanliness. e.g.  
     1. Taking bath everyday using clean and washed clothes
     2. Washing hands with antibacterial soaps after visiting the toilet.
     3. Never to defecate or urinate in the open, littering of the place should never be done.
    4. Garbage and unwanted materials should not be randomly thrown, not to spit in the open places.
    5. Most of us know about these good habits. However, there are some people who do not follow these habits. We should also remember to isolate us when we are sick.
   6. Going in public places during infections can make others sick too by cross-infections.
   7. Observing all these habits of personal hygiene is necessary to maintain the health.
   8. The food which we take should be safe and healthy. The food that we consume should be home-made, clean, hygienically prepared and covered to avoid infections.
   9. The fruits and vegetables should be washed clean before consuming.
  10. The water should be filtered and boiled before drinking.

       10.  Why should we drink boiled water in rainy season?

       Ans – 
                 1. During rainy season, the water from surrounding regions seep into the water bodies which may supply us drinking water. 
                 2. This turbid water is mixed in the potable water and makes it contaminated. Such contaminated water can cause typhoid, hepatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, etc. 
                3. Drinking water should be germ-free, disinfected and clean. 
                4. By boiling the water, all the germs are killed. 
                5. Therefore, during rainy season, water should be boiled before drinking.

       11. Why the ‘clean hands drive’ is run in schools?

       Ans – 
                  1. There are many germs on the dirty, unclean hands. 
                  2. If these germs enter our body through mouth, they can cause many diseases of the alimentary canal. 
                  3. Therefore, keeping the hands clean is necessary. For this purpose, ‘clean hands drive; is run in the schools.


       12. Which measures are taken at your home to control the rats?

       Ans – 
                  1. If there is cleanliness and hygiene in the house, it will not get infested with rats.  
                  2. Therefore, first of all removing all the unwanted junk and litter. 
                  3. House should be neat and clean. 
                  4. Traps can be laid for capturing the rats. 
                  5. One can keep the cat as a pet. Presence of cat makes the rats vanish. 
                  6. Keeping a cat is very good biological pest control method. 
                  7. Some we use rats killed chemical pest.


       13. Why is it necessary to care about health of domestic dogs, cats and birds

       Ans –
1.     Domestic animals and pets are susceptible to infective diseases just like humans.
2.     Some animals can also act as carries or vectors of different diseases. Due to their sickness, there is possibility of passing such infections to us.
3.     These animals cannot explain their pain and suffering and thus only we should understand and care for health of our pet dogs, cats and birds.


       14. Is there any relation between pigeons, stray animals and human health

       Ans –
                 1.     Due to pigeons the respiratory diseases can be transmitted.
                 2.     Asthma and allergic diseases are said to be linked with the pigeons.
                 3.     The feathers and droppings of pigeons can cause such reactions and affect our health.
                 4.     The stray animals do not have any owners. Thus, they are not given vaccinations or medicines. No one takes care of their health.
                 5.     Some of the stray animals are carriers of rabies. Their bite may cause transmission of rabies to humans. 
                 6.  The health of humans is thus at danger due to pigeons and stray animals.


       15. What are effects of rats, cockroaches on human health?

       Ans –
               1.   Rats are hosts to flea which carry bacteria for plague. Through rats, the plague can be spread in human population.
              2.    Cockroaches are proven to be carriers of typhoid.
              3.  Both of them contaminate and destroy our food. 
              4. Therefore, rats and cockroaches have direct effect on human health.


       16. Why the animal cages and their living places should not be near the kitchen?

       Ans –
             1.     Some diseases can be passed from animals to human beings. Such infections should be avoided.
           2.     The food and water from the kitchen should be kept safe and should not get contaminated.
           3.     So that our health remains safe. Therefore, the animal cages and their living places should not be near the kitchen.

       17.  Depending upon which symptoms, rabies can be identified?

       Ans –
                1.     Hydrophobia is one of the important symptoms of rabies disease. In this case, the victim shows extreme fear for water.
                2.     Fever for 2 – 12 weeks.
                3.     Exaggerations in behavior.


       18.  Do you remember any person drinking the sugar-free tea or avoiding consumption of sweets? What may be the possible reason for this?

       Ans –
             1.     Persons who have diabetes are seen avoiding consumption of sweets. They even avoid the sugar present in the tea and thus resort to sugar-free alternatives.
          2.     In such diabetics the blood sugar level is not controlled. It goes on increasing which can cause lots of dangerous effects on the body. Therefore, they have to take care of their health.

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