int A[50], n;
// CheckFor: Create new Array
void CreateArray(){
// CheckFor: Declaration of local variable
int i = 0;
// LoopFor: Accepet the array elements using random function
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
A[i] = rand();
// CheckFor: Display the Array
void DisplayArray(){
// CheckFor: Declaration of local variable
int i = 0;
// Checkfor: Display the array elements
printf("The array elements are: \t");
// LoopFor: Display the array elements
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d \t", A[i]);
// CheckFor: Sort the Array Element using Merge Sort Algorithm
// Combine the all element after division
void MergeSort(int low, int mid, int high)
// CheckFor: Declaration of local variable
int t[50], i, j, k;
// CheckFor: Initialise the low, mid variable
i = low;
j = mid+1;
k = low;
// LoopFor: Move i from 0 to mid and j from mid+1 to high
while ( (i <= mid) && (j <= high))
// CheckFor: If First half element is greater than second half element
// and copy the element into temporary array
if (A[i] >= A[j])
t[k++] = A[j++];
t[k++] = A[i++];
// LoopFor: Check remaining element of first half array
while( i <= mid)
t[k++] = A[i++];
// LoopFor: Check remaining element of second half array
while( j <= high)
t[k++] = A[j++];
// LoopFor: Copy the all sorted element from temporary array to original array
for(i=1; i <= high; i++)
A[i] = t[i];
// CheckFor: Sort the Array Element using Merge Sort Algorithm
// Divide the array recursively on the basis of divide and conquer
void MergeSortDivide(int low, int high)
// CheckFor: Declaration of local variable
int mid = 0;
// CheckFor: Empty array element
if (low != high)
// CheckFor: Find the mid element of the array
mid = ((low + high)/ 2);
// CheckFor: Divide the array from low to mid
MergeSortDivide(low, mid);
// CheckFor: Divide the array from mid+1 to high
MergeSortDivide(mid+1, high);
// CheckFor: Combine and sort the array.
MergeSort(low, mid, high);
int main(){
printf("How many element we want to enter into Array: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
MergeSortDivide(0, n-1);
return 0;
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