Tuesday, July 7, 2020

International Olympiad of English Language Class 6th

International Olympiad of English Language


Analogy, Comprehension, Classification, Correct Spelling, One Word Substitution, Jumbled Words and Sentences, Types of Sentences, Parts of Speech, Tense, Error Finding, Voice, Modals, Direct and Indirect Speech, Subject-Verb Agreement, Determiners, Articles, Antonyms/Synonyms, Story and Paragraph Writing, Notice Writing, Letter Writing, Message Writing, Differentiating Between Facts and Opinion, Idioms and phrases, Functional English, Mental Aptitude.

The Actual Question Paper Contains 50 Questions. The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes.

     1.    Below given is a letter with four blanks. Fill those blanks with the options provided in P, Q, R, S to make it a sensible one.
Dear Steve
It’s been a while since we wrote, so I thought I’d drop you a line to bring you up to date with what’s been happening here.
I suppose the most important thing is that Jane’s job is more secure than we thought ………………I………………, but we just found out that she has a permanent contract of sorts. Obviously this is great, as it means we can relax a little. I still don’t have what I really want work wise, but it will happen soon. You have to stay positive, don’t you?
My parents are both fine, …………….II……………… For us, it’s great to be so close to family again, an extra sense of comfort and security. We see my sister quite often as she’s in London, although we’re not that bothered about going into the city.
So, what about you these days? ………………III………….. Since I’ve been having so much trouble getting a job I understand your reluctance to change. There’s nothing worse than filling in endless application forms, …………..IV…………. .
Yours Lovingly John

P:        At the beginning of the year, when she got the job, we thought it might only be for one semester.
Q:        Are you still stuck in that old job?
R:        With no idea of what it will lead to
S:        And I think they are really happy that we’ve moved back

Choose your answer from the given options: I, II, III, IV
a.    P Q R S
b.    P S Q R
c.    P S R Q
d.    R Q S P
e.    None of these

     2.    Give the usage of the word underlined in the given sentence.
Wait till I return.
a.    Adjective
b.    Conjunction
c.    Determiners
d.    Pronoun
e.    None of these

     3.    Identify the given sentence on the basis of its structure.
Rabindranath Tagore was both, a poet and an writer.
a.    Simple
b.    Complex
c.    Compound
d.    All of these
e.    None of these

     4.    Find the analogy.
If ‘House’ is to ‘Shelter’ then ‘Soap’:?
a.    Washerman
b.    Cleanliness
c.    Bathroom
d.    Water
e.    None of these

     5.    In which of the following sentences the verbs used is/are transitive verb(s):
A:        Jack eats.
B:        Ronaldo plays football.
C:        Lata sings a song.
a.    Only A
b.    A and B
c.    Only C
d.    B and C
e.    None of these

     6.    Fill in the blank with correct pronoun.
Two sisters loved ………………….
a.    One another
b.    Each other
c.    Neither
d.    themselves
e.    None of these

     7.    Arrange P, Q, R, S to make a meaningful sentence.
He said that those who
P:        Would miss a very intersecting game
Q:        to be played
R:        between two famous teams
S:        would not accompany him
a.    QRPS
b.    SPQR
c.    SQRP
d.    SRPQ
e.    None of these


     8.    Change the direct sentence into indirect one.
The boy said to me, “Don’t buy this toy”.
a.    The boy asked me not to buy the toy.
b.    The boy told me not to buy the toy.
c.    The boy forbade me to buy that toy.
d.    All of these
e.    None of these

Direction: For Question 9 and 10: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

In Bengal, many poor farmers had been forced and compelled to take up indigo cultivation when the British settlers were given the right to purchase and cultivate land in India. Many whites, therefore, either acquired land or advanced loan to poor farmers and pressured them to forsake the farming of food grains and other cash crops for indigo cultivation. Within a few years, most of the fertile lands had undergone forcible indigo cultivation, resulting in a famine situation in Bengal. When the farmers declined to cultivate indigo, they were tortured, jailed and even killed.

     9.    The poor farmers in Bengal took up indigo cultivation because:
a.    This was the only crop that would grow in Bengal.
b.    It was a lucrative earning opportunity for the farmers.
c.    Farmers were forced to do so.
d.    The British government gave the farmers huge money for indigo cultivation.
e.    None of these

     10. Why indigo cultivation resulted in famine in Bengal?
a.    Farmers were not interested in the cultivation of food grains.
b.    Most of the fertile lands had undergone forcible indigo cultivation.
c.    British settlers forcibly took away all the food grains out of Bengal.
d.    All foods were transported to Europe
e.    None of these

1.    (b)             2. (b)               3. (c)               4. (b)               5. (d)               6. (b)
7.  (b)              8. (c)               9. (c)               10. (b)

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